Friday, December 2, 2016

Kruger National Park South Africa Bucket List Trip for ~$1500 from the US?? Hell Yeah!

If you are interested in wildlife on the African continent, you have probably heard of South Africa's Kruger National Park. If you haven't you should! It's certainly in the top 5 in terms of viewing the continent's wildlife in a natural setting. For all the traveling I've done, it's perhaps the most amazing place I've visited that doesn't have an active volcano!

Parents - Your dislike of math may do YOUR children a great disservice

Soooo.....  You don't like math.

As a science professor, I hear this all of the time. Students. Friends. Parents. Colleagues in other academic areas.  "I am bad at math". "I hate math". " Math is hard". "I took all of these math classes and have never used any of it". "I'm successful and I never use math".

Well, good for you.

But I will counter with this - here is a link to an article outlining the 10 highest paid jobs according to a 2016 article in Forbes.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Product Review - Flyover Country Travel App

First, some disclosure. I'm receiving no pay or compensation for this review. It's straight up my take on an app that I thought would add some enjoyment to flying, something I sorely need in my life.  I will give a quick impression of the app in the first few paragraphs for those just looking for a quick review, then get into the details for those who might want more information on how it actually works.

It's a rare traveler who hasn't looked out the window of a plane and wondered what they are flying over. There's a relatively new app called Flyover Country that attempts to solve this dilemma for you. This app is available for both Android and iPhone, was created as part of an NSF-grant to a couple of geologists at the University of Minnesota, and has great potential for turning any flight into a learning experience. Obviously, as a geology professor I have both a personal and professional interest in this, so I put this app through a trial run as I returned to Denver from Seattle a couple of days ago.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Millennials - As I see them

I've been a university professor since I was 27 years old, so I have had thousands of students who are now between the ages of 18 and 45. For those of you between 30 and 45 years old who have recently been criticizing millennials, I have the following to say to you. Millennials, in my experience, have been my favorite generation to work with. They work just as hard as previous generations (despite recent claims), are far more open minded and adventurous, are far less judgmental and act no more entitled than your generations. I find that most of those who complain about millennials haven't exactly set the world on fire with their accomplishments, and I don't find their put downs very compelling. Sure, I'm generalizing but for me, if you've raised a millennial, congrats. Most of the ones I work with are great young adults.